Sexy Lady Masturbating with Sex toy
FTV Milfs Jayme Comments
I am a Russian Jew and British, French and german in some capacity. I had a very normaol childhood in small town Maine. We were kind of in the woods and poor haha I really enjoyed my upbringing though, I was raised well. If I have a family, i plan on raising them well, just not in the middle of nowhere.
I lost my virginity when I was 16. It was with my highschool boyfriend in his room, but the crazy part was that his little brother was in the room also playing a video game. we had to be so careful! When it comes to my body, im very satidfies. Doing porn has made me more comfortable and in-tune with my body. Oh and its made me more into my sexuality! In a lover, I really like when I know them well and they know what I like. I definitely prefer tall and smart haha you have to be interesting and funn also. Good hair doesnt hurt 🙂 When I masturbate, I think about myself masturbating. Its like masturbation Inception!
I had sex in the wave pool at the Disney waterpark! My boyfriends whole family was there! It was totally my idea, but he had a boner, so its not all my fault! We did it in the water and just pretended that the waves were pushing us around! I dont really think anyone saw anything, we were pretty sneaky!
I spent so much time outside when I was a kid Im kind of over it haha I still like it, but I’m happier inside these days. Im a professional model these days, but Im also a college student and someday I’d like to be a doctor! I’m a partier, as in I like to go to shows and parties, but I dont do drugs. Thats not my scene. When it comes to my diet, i typically eat pretty healthy, but Im not overly picky. Musically, Im a rock girl. I play bass actually. Jana and I used to be in a band! We still jam sometimes. We are called pajamaband!
I liked that I was just able to be myself and not act fake shooting for FTV today. I got a little bit nervous shooting in public, but it was also kind of exciting! If I had another shoot I would love to shoot a girl/girl scene.
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